The eggs received from layer farm are sent for commercial sales. Before the eggs are actually sold out into the market, they go through series or procedures and they are as follows,
Grading: Grading also involves sorting eggs into weight classes or sizes (peewee, small, medium, large, extra large and jumbo).
Packaging: Eggs may be carton-packed according to size or as unsized. Standard packaging for direct sale is by the dozen, half-dozen, or dozen-and-a-half. Cartons are typically made of pulp paper, styrofoam or clear plastic.
Labeling: Eggs packed under federal regulations require the pack date to be displayed on the carton. It is a three-digit Julian date that represents the consecutive day of the year. The carton is also dated with the ‘Sell-by’ or expiration date, which depends on the state requirements. Eggs with a federal grade must be sold within 30 days from day of pack.