We ensure feed quality by following feed quality analyses programs, the key objects that we look after are:
Ingredient quality:
Ingredients are described in two ways. First, they must be described in terms of analytical values and second, they must be described in terms of physical and/or sensory characteristics.
Process control:
The process by which high-quality ingredients are made into high-quality feeds involves three components within the feed mill: personnel, machinery and procedures. If quality is lacking in any of these three components, the consistent production of high-quality feeds is unlikely. However, it is equally important to ensure that personnel, machinery and procedures are “blended” together toward the goal of efficient production of high-quality feeds.
Finished feed quality:
Finished-feed sampling and analysis is done where we collect one sample of each formula per week or one sample per 100 tons of production, whichever is greater. When a problem is discovered, we address it immediately and resolve as soon as possible.